When dealing with the court system…

If you are going to have to be late or truly cannot make your court appearance:

  • Call your attorney (if you already have one) and let them know you will be late or cannot make it at all

  • Call the court and tell them you will be late or unable to make it. They will probably reschedule the appearance but they will ask you to bring proof of why could not make it to court. Make sure you bring that proof to your next appearance.

Be neatly dressed. No hats. If you wear a hat into the courtroom, you will be asked to take it off.

Do not bring your children to court with you. Make arrangements to have a babysitter during your court appearance.

Turn off your cell phone or pager BEFORE going into the courtroom.

Go to the front of the courtroom when your case is called and stand behind the table.

Keep your hands out of your pockets; if you put your hands in your pockets, the deputy will tell you to remove them.

Speak clearly and loud enough to be heard.

Answer the judge’s questions.